Thus, you can create a list using a constructor, in addition to the shorthand notation of using the square brackets. 因此,使用构造函数及方括号简化符号,可以创建list。
A member variable holds the list of configuration items, a constructor loads the items, and an accessor method called get() returns the value of an item. 成员变量保存配置项的列表,构造程序装入项,然后名为get()的访问方法返回项的值。
In a construct similar to filter chaining, it takes a list of MessageHandler objects in the constructor. 在类似于过滤器链的结构中,构造函数中包含一系列的MessageHandler对象。
The predicate_result object has an implicit constructor that accepts a Boolean value, which explains why the code works fine even though the expected and actual return types of validate_list differ. predicateresult对象有一个隐式的构造函数,它接受一个Boolean值,因此即使validatelist的期望类型和实际返回类型不同,代码仍然会正常运行。
You aren't limited to passing a sequence directly into the constructor; you can also pass a variable that holds a tuple or a string into the list constructor. 您不仅能够将序列直接传递给构造函数,还可以将拥有元组或字符串的变量传递给list构造函数。
Requirements for the establishment of a single linked list template class deep copy function, which requires node class and the students copy the class are deep copy constructor. 要求为该单链表模板类建立深复制函数,这需要结点类和学生类的复制构造函数均为深复制。
If you do not write a correct code for the copy constructor, object within a list will have some data members uninitialized. 如果你没有为拷贝构造函数写正确的代码,就有可能造成list中对象的某些数据成员没有初始化。
In this case, the type contained in the list should have a default constructor. 在这种情况下,列表中包含的类型应有默认的构造函数。
True if the list type has a default constructor; otherwise, false. 如果列表类型具有默认构造函数,则为true;否则为false。
You must provide the list of types to the constructor of this. 类的构造函数提供类型列表。